
Our Readers

Denise Conley

Time: 2-6 Mondays
Cost: $40.00 for 30 minutes

Denise Conley has been drawn to and has studied many facets of the metaphysical world. She uses and incorporates them into her daily life. Denise is the creator/owner of Raven Faery Magical Blends and is a Reiki Master who specializes in Aromatherapy as well as the Magical and Healing properties of crystals and herbs. She teaches monthly classes on working with crystals and gemstones as well as how to use them in your daily life. Denise does readings using cards connecting with Fairy, Goddess, Past Life, Life Path and Animal Totem energies to name a few. She currently resides in Huron, Ohio. Call the shop to schedule.

McKenzie Sholl

McKenzie is a psychic medium who works with oracle cards and spirit

Mckenzie is in the First Saturday of every month from 10-6

Julie Dunham

I am a lifelong educator and lifelong learner. I've always been intuitive, creative, and "seeing what is not there." I am truly blessed that my spiritual journey progressed in many formal and informal ways. In early childhood my best friends were invisible! As a young adult I began visiting mediums and psychics. Thorna Krause of Sandusky is still my inspiration. Once I began meditating, practicing Reikei, and reading tarot cards; I decided to learn to read palms. I studied in the winter of 1999 and then practiced on free clients at Put-in Bay (my practicum.) I practiced palm reading and tarot cards informally until I began reading professionally in 2011. I still love working with clients' hands and giving readings in 2019! I also dearly love my psychic friends. Their friendships are like no others!

Choosing between palm reading and tarot reading? Depends on what you want to know. Palm reading is an ancient way of looking at how the fingers and palms are marked with lines, spaces, hills or shapes. My readings may describe characteristics, career paths, and the timings of life changes. Palm reading is more personal and introspective. Tarot readings usually include events and the people around you. Tarot readings can provide advice on upcoming situations. Both readings offer fascinating lenses to view your circumstances and may present suggestions for shifting through life's changes.$40/30 mins.

Check the Calendar for Julie's Schedule!


Sandy Brown

Cost: $40.00 for 30 minutes

I am a psychic medium who reads a standard deck of playing cards. My readings can provide information about Spirit Guides, messages from family or friends who have passed over, even info about relationships, past, present and sometimes future. I have also been getting a lot of glimpses into people's past lives and how that may be affecting them.

I live in northwest Ohio with my husband and our pets and have raised two amazing kids.  I have been reading over 20 years now and find it to be one of the most rewarding things in my life. The healing and love that I see in my clients is just indescribable. I also am so very touched by each and every one that sits across from me.

Sandy is in the 3rd Saturday of every month


$45 - 30 minutes (Reading Only)

$75- customized jewelry included with the reading. I bring all of my crystal cabs for them to choose from. For those that pick the crystal readings, I would do the wrapping from home and ship them when completed.

Readings include:
Channeled Messages
Meet a Guide
Card Pulling
Intuitive Coaching

Jenna is an intuitive reader that uses oracle cards and crystals to bring you the messages that you need to hear. She has been working with crystals for 20+ years and has been creating crystal jewelry for 10 of those. Jenna has created a reading experience that includes a spiritually guided custom wrapped pendant filled with your intentions.

Jenna is in the last Saturday of every month!

Travis Sanders

Travis Sanders is an accomplished clairvoyant medium, author and teacher who has been working professionally for over a decade. His work with Spirit has been featured on numerous radio and television programs including CBS & HayHouse Radio and most notably A&E's Psychic Kids: Children of the Paranormal. He is the author of the books; I Am Psychic, So Are You, Practical Mediumship and Guidance from Spirit. Travis was also named the new face of Modern Spiritualism in HubPage's Top 10 Next Generation Psychics. What does all of this mean? Everything, and nothing. Travis is just a soul, on a journey, with a passion....Just like you.

Travis is availble by appointment
$75/30 mins
Call the shop to schedule or visit www.psychictravissanders.com


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